Saturday, June 2, 2012

Ornate par excellence!

The auntie is so inspired by the Revival Houses and the tradition of rich, ornate decoration that she is going to dolly up her peppermint palace even more.

The houses, richly ornamented, with rooms covered in floral murals, decorated facades, and ornate hand carved wooden ceilings, painted here and there with touches of gold are awesomely over the top!

I have a job when I get home to add garlands of flowers and roses to the exterior walls that I will cut out of Polystyrene and paint with white and gold, and to gild the already existing rynolite rosettes inside her Palace.

We walked into a restaurant that was preparing for a wedding and could not believe the table settings, the decoration and the absolute dedication to what some of us would think are extremely kitsch!

Dad was so impressed with the way they insulate the old houses here. Styrofoam tiles get glued onto the exterior of old buildings and then get plastered over. What an ingenious way to resolve an insulation problem.

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